EFA Academy Training Sessions


1.8 Liability of Injury

The participant (player) and their parent/s or guardian/s agrees that by submitting their registration and participating in the academy training sessions, they have voluntarily accepted the risks of physical injury, including serious injury such as permanent disability, paralysis or even death. The participant and their parent/s or guardian/s acknowledge that they are voluntarily participating in the academy training sessions with knowledge of the potential dangers and/or risks involved, whether those risks are known or unknown.

As a condition of being allowed to participate in the academy training sessions, the participant and their parent or guardian agree; (i) to release and hold harmless Elle Football Academy Pty Limited, its directors, employees, contractors, consultants and advisors from; and (ii) Elle Football Academy Pty Limited is not liable for costs or loss arising from, and incurred in connection with damage, loss, injury or death; except to the extent that is contributed by EFA in breach of these terms and conditions, contravention of the law, breach of duty, wrongful act or omission, negligence or default.

You also acknowledge that Elle Football Academy Pty Ltd does not have in place any personal accident insurance policy that would provide the participant with any compensation or benefits in the event of any participant being injured.

It is a condition of registration that all participants have private health insurance and ambulance cover as any injury or incident requiring medical assistance will result in additional expense to the participant or their parent.

1.9 Liability of personal items

EFA accepts no responsibility for personal items that are lost during the academy training sessions. EFA reserve the right to discard of any unclaimed items after 10 business days

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